truth about obesity

Top 9 Low Carb Weight Loss Tips

Do you have trouble losing weight? 👎 Is weight fast to come on but slow to take off? 👎 Do you struggle with nagging hunger and cravings? 👎 Well, you’ve...
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Low-Fat or High Dietary Fat?

The dreaded word so many of us have heard for so many of our dieting years...FAT!...ahhhh! Low-fat, no-fat, high-fat, too much dietary fat….fat, fat, fat, fat….ahhhh!!  No wonder we are...
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Macronutrients – Everything You Need To Know

Macronutrients are the main nutrients that make up the foods we eat. There are three, and you’ve probably heard of them before: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. What if I told...
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The Keto Diet – A Brief History

The ketogenic diet is a science-based diet dating back to the early 1900’s. A ketogenic diet was first used therapeutically for controlling seizures in patients, especially children that were not...
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The Rebel Rising – My Story

Hi, I’m Valerie...   I empower men and women to naturally normalize metabolism, ignite body fat burning, crush cravings, and defy disease, ultimately, restoring health, strength, and happiness.  I am...
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5 Weight Loss Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Most dietitians and doctors make 5 weight loss mistakes, and you need to avoid them. Most follow standard policy and procedures.  Most follow government guidelines.  Most are misled by food...
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